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在一家古旧的旅馆内,员工们都去欢度新年假期,只有一个小侍应生(TimRoth蒂姆罗素饰)留守。当夜,光怪陆离的事件轮番上演:1,一群女巫准备在当晚复活他们的女神,而她们却弄丢了至关重要的精液,小侍应生临时客串,勇敢献身……2,善妒的丈夫怀疑妻子与他人有染,遂将妻子绑在椅子上,倒霉的侍应生则被当作奸夫,手枪抵头,命悬一线……3,富翁夫妻参加新年宴会,将子女留在房间中。两个淘气的小家伙展开了一场大战,却看到了恐怖的一幕……4,几名好莱坞演员凑在房间中玩打火机游戏,每人打十下,十下连续打着就会赢得一部跑车,反之有一下不着便要切掉一根手指。侍应生被临时找来充当刽子手……原剧本里有这么一段,最后Angela遇到了复活的Diana。我看的版本最后出完字幕就没了,不知道拍没拍出来……                                                                                    ANGELA        You know, I'm gonna call it a night and go back to my room.                               It's been fun.The doors close on the screaming maniacs.Angela walks through a door marked "Stairway."INT. 4TH FLOOR HALLWAY--AFTER DAWNMEDIUM STAIRWAY DOORCREDIT ROLL continuesAngela comes through the door; we STEADICAM in front of her as she walksthe halls, looking for her room. She finds it . . .WE STOP CREDITS                                 four roomsAngela sticks her key in the door, then stops when she sees somethingapproaching. The look on her face combines strange awe and mild shock.Almost floating ethereally, a mysterious Blond Bombshell, wearing Diana'ssee-through negligee and slippers, armed with Elspeth's sword slung overher shoulder, wanders toward her. She is in a daze, perhaps lost or drunk.                                   ANGELA                              You okay, lady?The bombshell looks up at her dizzily.                                   ANGELA                      I said--you looking for someone?                                   DIANA                               (disoriented)     Uhhh . . . yes . . . my husband . . . I think. Have you seen him?Angela and the girl have a strange moment as they connect through the eyes.Having had enough emotional intensity tonight, Angela breaks their eyecontact.                                   ANGELA                       Lady, I haven't seen anybody.Diana quietly says, "Ohhh," as she drifts on down the hall in a daze.Angela puts her hand to her temples before opening her hotel door. She doesa double-take on the hallway--empty.She pauses a beat, then walks into her room. After the door closes, we hearSigfried on the other side.                                  SIGFRIED                       Where the hell have you been?


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