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阮真真是外人眼中不谙世事的“小公主”,在金融老公许攸宁的保护下过着简单幸福的生活。而这一切,都随着许攸宁的意外身亡消失殆尽了。摆在“落难公主”面前的,是老公留下的巨额债务。突然出现的律师校友高峻,似乎是这场危机的化解者。阮真真虽然单纯,但却并不傻。面对这位突如其来的闯入者,她对高峻的热情将信将疑,但随着两人的朝夕相处,阮真真渐渐对他放下防备,心扉微敞。两人携手共克难关,曾经温室里的花朵在风霜中慢慢长出了丰满的羽翼。在不期而至的意外中,阮真真从茫然到释然,最终获得成长。Finally... through all the gossip girl, vampire diary kind of dramas, CW got something really bringing up the old memory of WB, the time of gilmore girls and everwood series. Aren't you sick of the "everyone sleeps with everyone" logic? People get laid between every commercial period when the economic is good; and now, people got laid once, and then they got a baby. That is exact what I love for WB: yes, I know you are so screwed up... but hey, do you want a pizza?As for this show, I think the promo quite speaks for itself: mixture of Juno and Gilmore girls, except it won't be so good as anyone of them. But I like the topic. Life is like suspending ,before you commit to some one. Only after that, you can say you are finally a grown-up and your own clock period begins to tick.


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