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一个下着雨的夜晚,着名的玩具师傅被人绑架了,只有一只老鼠有办法找到他的下落,那就是住在贝克街的超级侦探巴索!伤心的玩具师傅女儿奥莉薇,在好心的道森医生帮忙下,终于找到大名鼎鼎的巴索,说服他展开营救行动。巴索终于发现绑架玩具师傅的幕后黑手,竟是他长久以来想将之绳之以法的头号敌人瑞根!聪明的巴索是否能即时揭穿瑞根的秘密让奥莉薇与父亲团聚,甚至成为挽救国家安危的英雄?Honestly, I think it's mediocre series at best and overrated (and understand that I've been a Sherlockian scholar for over 15+ years.) I think the cinematography is nice, but I think the writing fails as a mystery series. Usually mysteries give you all the facts and you solve the mystery with the detective; this series withholds facts, so the ending seems more spectacular and that's just lazy writing. Also, I find the writing regularly sexist, racist, and immature. I think the series relies too heavily on "fanservice" that it gets in the way of the story itself. To say "I'm not gay" is funny the first two or three times; after that, it comes off as immature and supremely bigoted. Generally, the episodes are just mediocre to me. The series takes too much from Baring-Gould's SHERLOCK HOLMES OF BAKER STREET, which is a book I despise with all my heart; I hate that Sherlockians take it as the bible, because it's the most "fanficy book that every fanficed"; it's just badly-written theories with next to no canonical evidence and notations. I despise the portrayal of Moriarty, which is odd because I like the actor a lot, but I think his Moriarty is horrid. What is meant to be "terrifying" comes off as comical; he's just a live-action version of Him from POWERPUFF GIRLS.


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